Friday, September 15, 2006

Interrail 2006

Two dudes.
Six countries.
Two short weeks...

The stage is set for Interrail Spectaculaire, the awesome adventures of Dru und Nacho, the comedy duo that brough to you such great hits as "Tossered Tuesday" and "Fear and Loathing in Las Bexley'eath", the next couple of weeks should be, to say the least, interesting.

In fact the actual reason for this trip is pretty random. Originally we were going to drive down to Spain from England for the purpose of lugging all my crap, built up to considerate porportions after five years in the U.K.. to madrid.
In the end tho, it looks as though I'll stick around enlgland a wee bit longer, so there was no need for the road trip... apart from the fact that it seemed pretty good fun.

So we're doing it anyways, by train.


... well, why not?


Anonymous said...

Our snitch is on the road again!!
Just postin´this up cuz´i know thou will be readin´it, as noone is ever left you any comments.... (it´s obviously because noone knows how to read, let alone writin). Well Well might go to france next week in the end so I might try to get in contact, send me the day youll be in`paris in case i can make it!!!

Math en NZ said...

send me a postcard from brittany :-)
Enjoy your trip dude.

frankie said...

yo nacho,

its frankie. good seeing that you're keeping up adventures. hope things are going well.

I don't know if you remembered, but you should pick up Freakonomics by Steven Levitt.
