Saturday, May 13, 2006


The rolercoaster finally made it over the apex of its course and started its swift descent, turning my belly upside down. In other words, the anticipation is finally over and done with and I am, indeed, in Auckland. My belly feels about the same, though.

I'll start at the beggining, I arrived at 6 in the morning. Caught a bus into the city, as it started pissing it down. Properly. None of that piddly british rain that lasts all day. Here it concenrates in short outbursts of tropical rainstorm. Ouch.

I've been here just over two weeks and so far my veredict is awesome. In the full meaning of the word, as I see it. Awe inspiring, definately. A mixture of amazement, excitement, estragement and, i couldnt really find another word, wow-factor.

But finally made it into my halls of res, the railway campus, where I'll be staying for the next four months. It's an awesome place, its the refurbishment of the old Auckland train staion. Right near the city centre and cheap and cheerful.

Purty cool all in all.

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